Personal Trainers Health and Fitness Tips

My Blog About Boot Camp Fitness

Category Archives: Fitness

Broadbeach Boot Camp Is the Answer to Fight Fatigue

by editor on July 6, 2017, no comments

At boot camp Broadbeach you will be able to lose the weight you want and you will feel great. Perhaps you are motivated to lose weight, but you have a full-time job and you are feeling too tired and worn out to fit in the exercise. How can you stay motivated and find a way to fit […]

Going From 10% to Body Fat Fight Club Style

by editor on October 9, 2013, no comments

Everyone can get to 10% body fat. It’s really not all that hard. All it takes is a couple months of dieting, thrown in with a few weight lifting and cardio sessions per week. However, getting down to 6-8% body fat where you begin to look insanely ripped is where things start to get hard. […]

Bootcamps Offer Incomparable Benefits

by editor on August 30, 2013, no comments

It is a well known fact that regular exercise is necessary for a healthy body and mind. A toned and fit body means a more attractive self image and this automatically translates into increased confidence levels and enhanced positively of the mind. What better way to be fit and active than to join a bootcamp? […]