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How To Squat with Steel Clubbells and Maces

by editor on June 24, 2023, no comments

The Steel Clubbell Dean Clean Order Squat

  • The “Steel Club Dead Clean To Order Squat” is a combination lift involving a dead clean and an order squat.
  • The lift starts with the club on the outside of the feet, aligned with the feet for dead movements and in front of the body for pendulum movements.
  • To perform the lift, drive up from the legs, shrug the shoulders, and drop the hand underneath to catch the club in the old position.
  • Immediately transition into an order squat, which is similar to a deck squat.
  • After completing the order squat, return the club back to the ground and start again from the dead position.

Steel Club Order Squat

  • The Steel Club Order Squat involves different variations depending on foot placement and goals.
  • Feet close together target the quads, while wider feet engage the hips and posterior chain.
  • Foot placement choice depends on goals and the flow of the workout.
  • Progressions include two-handed, single-arm, and double club variations.
  • Deck squats can also be incorporated with different stances when training with clubbells.

Steel Mace Sumo Squat

  • The exercise demonstrated is called a Steel Mace Sumo Squat + Rotational Flag Press.
  • The sumo squat targets the hips and posterior chain more than a traditional squat.
  • Proper setup involves wide feet with toes pointing out, holding the Maverick Mace in the rack position.
  • During the squat, knees should track toes, chest should face forward, and glutes should be squeezed before driving up through the heels.
  • Progressions of the exercise include choking up on the mace for easier execution and incorporating rotational flag presses at shoulder height after the sumo squat.
  • Adjustable maces are a great alternative for beginners.
